the Paperless Company



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A major civil litigation may require a mountain of paper.  It is not unusual for 100,000 pages of documents to be generated.  the PaperLess Company can scan this mountain of documents, organize it, make it word searchable, protect it from tamper and certify that these electronic copies are true copies of the documents. Imagine being able to have a computer in the courtroom with all of the pertinent documents at your fingertips. 

Several courts are currently piloting this form of document management and we believe that it will soon be the standard.

Several years ago in a local major bank failure, there were over ONE MILLION pages of evidence. The attorneys were carting documents around in trucks and multiple carts. When we showed the lead attorney this method of legal document management, he just said that he wished the PaperLess Company had been around during that bankruptcy case.  

Adobe Acrobat (Capture) has one of the most powerful character recognition engines in the world.  Instead of Optical Character Recognition, it is referred to as Intelligent Character Recognition.  For the legal profession, this opens a whole new world of electronic document management.  The documents are organized in way that makes sense, and the integrity is not sacrificed.  

the PaperLess Company is the outsource to make this happen.

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Copyright © 2000 The PaperLess Company
Last modified: October 24, 2000