the Paperless Company





Download Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 Free!


Inexpensive electronic storage technology is finally here and many companies are enhancing their customer service by providing readily available information in electronic format.  the PaperLess Company can help you do just that.  

Adobe Acrobat has become the standard for storage of electronic information.  A document generated in a word processor and then converted to pdf is up to 90% smaller, and word searchable if desired.  A CAD drawing is up to 60% smaller and not easily altered. We can convert documents that were originally created in word, excel, powerpoint, autocad, microstation, lotus and many more.  

The great compression and universal readability can not be beaten.  With the free Acrobat Readerfiles developed in any printable program are convertible to the read only format.  For example, CAD drawings are viewable without having the CAD program. 

Now you can put all of your shared files on your network and be certain that everyone in your company will have access to view, print and email any files pertaining to their accounts.  And remember... the Adobe Acrobat reader is free!



Click below to learn more about Adobe Acrobat PDF 


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Copyright © 2000 The PaperLess Company
Last modified: October 12, 2000