the Paperless Company



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Architects and Engineers:  You finish a job and then give your client three sets of drawings and three copies of the owner’s manuals for all of the equipment.  And don't forget the complete copy for your records.  

Unless you are willing to spend money on an archivist, the information will dwindle away with time.  Within three years all the owner’s manuals are missing and maintenance spends half of a day on a small project.  In seven years, a renovation is more complicated and more expensive than it should be because all the drawings are missing and you must recreate the original design before you can make the new design.  

the PaperLess Company takes all of the information from a project and organizes it into an orderly file that can be viewed by anyone you wish.  All of the documents are viewable with one software application, no matter the original application used to create the document.  And the necessary software is FREE to everyone.  

the PaperLess Company is proficient in converting CAD drawings into pdf files.  Our drawings are up to 60% smaller than the native files and are picture perfect at 1200% magnification.  The drawings can become a graphical index to a project by linking the equipment to the appropriate owner’s manuals.

Your years of accumulated paper documents can also be converted to pdfLet the PaperLess Company help you get organized and spend your valuable time on the next billable project instead of searching for old files in a storage space.

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Copyright © 2000 The PaperLess Company
Last modified: October 24, 2000